Literal Typography

The goal of these designs was to choose three words to create "literal typography". Each word was written in a appropiate font, and then edited and added to until it clearly displays it's definition.

Made with:

Illustrator, Photoshop, The Noun Project

Logo Designs

The goal of this project was to take a photograph and then simplify it down to a black logo design for a company. Starting with a jellyfish and the idea of a surf company, each iteration was less detailed while still retaining the concept of fluidity and water.

Made with:

Illustrator, Photoshop, pen and paper.

Social Cause Posters

The goal of these posters was, using a combination of graphics and typography, to create three distinctly different designs to raise awareness about an issue. For the issue itself, which here is the ice caps melting, research had to be done for statistics to use on the poster.

Made with:

Illustrator and Photoshop