Launchpad Site

click on the image below to view the live page



This site serves as a launchpad for all my in-class exercises and projects for Web Design and Implementation (IGME 230). It needed to have an image of me, as well as links for all the exercises and projects so they're easily accessible.

Tools and Technologies

This project uses HTML5 and CSS, and was uploaded to GitHub Pages


Orginally, the "pop" animation on the circular links wasn't isolated and happend to all of them at once. This was fixed using the ":nth-child()" selector to add more of a delay to each child, causing them to pop into place one at a time. Also, the circles were all different sizes based on the title size of the exercise, and the rows became staggered when these titles wrapped or got too long. To fix this, each link was put into an unordered list and flexbox was used to keep them aligned.