So You Think You're a 90's Kid

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Arcade Game


A 90's themed arcade game inspired by bowling alley carpet and Lisa Frank. A grid was used to restrict the player character, while the pursuing enemy can float freely throughout the game screen. Collision was used to subtract a life if the enemy hits the player, to raise the score and advance levels as the player collects the star objects, and to prevent the player from moving through the planet obstacles. The player character moves via WASD controls. Animation arrays made it so the player character appears to walk as it moves, and for the other object animation on the screen. The enemy character is built to constantly pursue the player character, and is animated using perlin noise. This project was a 24-hr group effort during the Women in Computing Hackathon 2018. I was one of two developers who worked with a web designer and graphic artist.

Tools and Technologies

This project was created with JavaScript using p5.js libraries.


The grid posed the most problems, especially due to time constraints. The grid was off-center for most of the development until we found the element that was pushing it aside. Also, the star objects at the beginning would spawn off screen or in areas the player could not reach, which was fixed used conditionals to limit the area where they can spawn.

My Contribution

I worked with one other co-developer to animate the player character and the star objects, create the grid and tile objects, use key type events to move the player character with the WASD keys, create the level/score/health bars, and I also drew the star objects.

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